1 Results: natural+therapies

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Genistein - a neuroprotective treatment for brain injury arising from excessive glutamate release such as occurs with stroke and epilepsy.

Background Traumatic brain injury is a major medical problem globally and is one of the leading causes of death and disability. There is no known treatment for stroke or ischaemic brain injury. A stroke is a medical emergency and can cause permanent brain damage and death. Risk factors for stroke include old age, high blood pressure, previous stroke...
Published: 19/05/2015
Category(s): Therapeutics, Biomedical Sciences
Keywords(s): Biotech, Chemical, Drug Development, Life Sciences, Medical/Clinical, Natural therapies, Pharmaceutical, Veterinarian
Inventor(s): Gary Housley, Youngsoo Kim, Paul Bertrand, Andrew Moorhouse, Ann Chi Yan Wong, Amanda Craig, John Power, Matthias Klugmann, Arun Krishnan, Renee Morris
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