2 Results: matthias+klugmann

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Bionic implant to treat Parkinson's

A simple ‘coating’ on a bionic implant could hold the key to better treatments for hearing loss, Parkinson’s, and other central nervous system diseases The DiscoveryCentral Nervous System diseases impact millions of people worldwide. They can affect the brain or spinal cord resulting in disorders ranging from Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s...
Published: 28/07/2015
Category(s): Therapeutics, Biomedical Sciences
Keywords(s): Biomedical Engineering, Biotech, CNS Diseases, Drug Development, Medical/Clinical, Pharmaceutical
Inventor(s): Gary Housley, Jeremy Pinyon, Matthias Klugmann

Genistein - a neuroprotective treatment for brain injury arising from excessive glutamate release such as occurs with stroke and epilepsy.

Background Traumatic brain injury is a major medical problem globally and is one of the leading causes of death and disability. There is no known treatment for stroke or ischaemic brain injury. A stroke is a medical emergency and can cause permanent brain damage and death. Risk factors for stroke include old age, high blood pressure, previous stroke...
Published: 19/05/2015
Category(s): Therapeutics, Biomedical Sciences
Keywords(s): Biotech, Chemical, Drug Development, Life Sciences, Medical/Clinical, Natural therapies, Pharmaceutical, Veterinarian
Inventor(s): Gary Housley, Youngsoo Kim, Paul Bertrand, Andrew Moorhouse, Ann Chi Yan Wong, Amanda Craig, John Power, Matthias Klugmann, Arun Krishnan, Renee Morris
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