Safer Air Travel: Laser Air Speed Sensor

Safer Air Travel
Laser Air Speed Sensor

A reliable method of measuring airspeed could save the lives of countless people…worldwide! 









The Technology
Pitot Tubes are the current standard for aeroplane air speed sensors.  Pitot Tubes depend on equipment that is prone to malfunction due to the need to maintain a clear channel/inlet. Aeroplanes currently deploy multiple redundant systems to avoid disaster; however, this does not address the underlying flaw of the sensor technology.

The COPLASS system is a laser based airspeed sensor for aeroplanes. It uses a laser to non-intrusively measure the airspeed of the flow between two points. COPLASS is not reliant on specific atmospheric conditions and does not require the introduction of any material to the airstream. This system provides a more robust and reliable method of sensing compared to current Pitot tube technologies.

COPLASS has the potential to improve the safety and efficiency of aeroplanes ranging from high performance military draft to mass transport commercial airlines. COPLASS has the potential to replace or complement the use of Pitot tubes, providing a simple, robust solution to flaws that have caused major aeroplane disasters.

Key Benefits
• Simple Design
• Improved Safety
• Overcomes flaws in current standards
• Uses optics and electronics rather than mechanical
• Measurement rates up to 15 kHz 
• Measurement speeds down to 5 m/s 

Commercial aircraft to improve safety
Military aircraft to provide a more rapid speed measurement

The Opportunity
This technology is available for collaborative research opportunities. The technology is also available for licence to companies and individuals.

Click here for a print version of this technology brief.




Patent Information:
Defence and Security
For Information, Contact:
Lisa Linssen
Business Development Manager
NewSouth Innovations Pty Ltd
02 9385 9813
Reference ID: 10_2550
Sean O'byrne
Sven Wittig
Aeronautical Engineering
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