Protect your credit cards and encrypted information from power analysis attack and hacking
The Technology
Information security is a major concern in today’s hyper connected, wireless craving, cloud based society. Ensuring storage of information is secure is key as we increasingly give up physical control of services and devices.
Key Benefits
§ Securing personal information, bank cards, smart cards, SIM cards, Wi-Fi.
§ For industry, mobile devices, pay TV, medical devices, secure storage.
§ As a service, Secure Cloud Computing, Finance, Entertainment, Internet Service Providers, and Transport.
The Opportunity
NewSouth Innovations is currently looking for partners to further develop the technology for commercial products. Quadseal is patent pending. If your organisation is interested in either licensing the registered IP behind Quadseal, or engaging with the inventors of Quadseal further, please refer to contact details below.
Please follow this link to download a PDF version including contact details for more information.